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Netease sports reported in March 16th March 15th: American Eastern time 12:30 (Beijing time 16 days 0:30), Dwight Howard officially announced to abandon the option to opt out, signed the agreement, implementation of last year of $19540000 player option, which means that he is sure to stay at Orlando this season.In signing this contract up out of options at the end of the season, Howard will not have the right to terminate the contract.After the turn for Howard after yesterday, later said it would drop out of the contract.Message personage says, the United States of America time earlier on fake rolex for sale Thursday, the New Jersey nets have been told: Howard could not be traded.RealGM site was first reported in Howard refused to Replica rolex jump out the contract.The United Fake rolex watch for sale States Wednesday, Howard told the magic level, he will jump out of Fake U-Boat the contract, and in the next season, the team left.At night, his magic teammates revealed the same message.On Wednesday against the Spurs before the press conference, Howard told the magic, he is not Fake rolex ready to sign the "Cancel to opt out option".Howard's agent, Dan Fegan immediately to the ESPN released an announcement, said earlier that Howard is magic warning: if you do not sign the agreement, the magic will certainly at replica rolex for sale the trade deadline before trading him."Howard was not the choice of signing the contract, due to pressure from the magic."Fei Gen says.Message personage says, in the Spurs and after the match, Howard to change his mind again, tell the magic management he would stay.Howard also said, he is ready to sign the agreement, execute a player option.Howard said, in the choice of whether to leave Orlando, he is Replica Rolex really very difficult, it is since he joined NBA stayed only city."My heart, my soul, my all to stay at Orlando."Howard says.Howard said he cheap Replica watches had some bad advice, "because I caused so much soap opera, I asked Rolex Replica the City fans."In signing this agreement, Howard also gave up in the offseason signed a long contract opportunity.If he opts out of his contract renewal, and magic, Howard may get 109000000 pay top dollar for 5 years.If the selection and other teams, he may be given a 4 year $81000000 contract.Howard can also choose and magic for about 2 or 3 years, can also be carried out the next season after the contract to become a free agent, but, in the absence of signs the big contract before, Howard may have potential injury crisis.
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