Když se zaregistrujete a následně přihlásíte, získáte možnost publikovat komentáře, vkládat a komentovat fotografie, a mnoho dalších výhod. Využijte toho, je to zdarma.
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Nikon a Eye-Fi se dohodli na spolupráci ohledně bezdrátového připojení Nikonu D90
Možná jste již slyšeli o paměťové kartě s Wi-Fi připojením, díky níž můžete například uploadovat pořízené snímky přímo do počítače. Pokud ne, budete mít možnost bližšího seznámení po uvedení kombinace této karty a Nikonu D90 na Photokině konající se koncem tohoto měsíce. Společnost Nikon a Eye-Fi se totiž dohodli na vzájemné spolupráci, slibující lepší podporu tohoto řešení ze strany zrcadlovky D90. Více informací viz níže uvedená tisková zpráva, případně prezentace společnosti: http://www.eye.fi
O praktických zkušenostech se vás budeme snažit informovat později.
Mountain View, Calif., August 27, 2008 — Eye-Fi, Inc.(www.eye.fi), makers of the world’s first wireless memory card for digital cameras, today announced that it collaborated with Nikon Corporation, a world leader in digital imaging and precision optics, to deliver enhanced integration of its Eye-Fi cards with Nikon’s newly announced digital SLR camera, Nikon D90. The D90 is Nikon’s second “Eye-Fi Connected” camera, following the Nikon D60, which was released earlier this year. Eye-Fi Connected cameras make it easier for photographers to use their Eye-Fi cards to wirelessly upload images to their computer or favorite online photo sharing site.
While Eye-Fi cards work seamlessly with conventional SD-compatible digital cameras, the Eye-Fi Connected Nikon D90 gives users an improved out-of- box experience and more control of wireless capabilities. The camera will detect when an Eye-Fi card is inserted and manage its power settings to ensure that photos upload effortlessly for sharing and storing. In addition, the Nikon D90 will include an Eye-Fi menu that allows users to turn the wireless function on or off, giving the user more freedom to customize how and when they want to use the Eye-Fi card. For example, if a user is in a hospital or on an airplane, or anywhere else where wireless connectivity is not allowed, the user may disable the wireless function through the Eye-Fi menu.
“Working with Nikon on this Eye-Fi Connected camera allows us to provide an even better experience for our users,” said Yuval Koren, chief product officer and co-founder of Eye-Fi. “This is a great example of how a non-wireless camera can be optimized for the Eye-Fi card to create the best experience possible. Together, we continue to find ways to make taking, saving and sharing digital memories as automatic and effortless as possible.”
The Eye-Fi Connected Nikon D90 will be unveiled at Photokina in Cologne, Germany on September 23, 2008.
Eye-Fi’s family of products, including the Eye-Fi Home, Share and Explore cards range from $79-$129 USD, and can be purchased at major online retail locations or at Circuit City and Ritz Camera Centers nationwide. Eye-Fi has won numerous awards, including PC World’s “The 100 Best Products of 2008” and Yahoo! Tech’s “Last Gadget Standing 2008” at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. For more information, please visit www.eye.fi.
About Eye-Fi Inc
Founded in 2005, the company is dedicated to building products and services that help consumers navigate, nurture and share their visual memories. Eye-Fi’s patent-pending technology works with Wi-Fi networks to automatically send photos from a digital camera to online, in-home and retail destinations. Headquartered in Mountain View, Calif., the company’s investors include LMS Capital, Opus Capital, Shasta Ventures and TransLink Capital. More information is available at www.eye.fi.
*Nikon has collaborated with Eye-Fi but is not responsible for the quality of Eye-Fi’s products and services.
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